On 11/19/2011 01:29 PM, Mick wrote:
On Saturday 19 Nov 2011 09:13:33 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
On 11/18/2011 07:42 PM, Mick wrote:
I've changed the title ever so slightly.  I am getting an out of memory
error with kernel-2.6.39-gentoo-r3 too, so I can't blame it on the

The error as far as firefox is concerned is the same.  Is this a firefox
bug, or is my decrepit old laptop incapable of compiling Firefox ...

Am I the only one suffering from this?

How much RAM do you have?  How big if your swap?

# free
              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        640392     133084     507308          0      81360      23972
-/+ buffers/cache:      27752     612640
Swap:       257004       6156     250848

May not be much by today's standards, but I never had an out of memory error
that I can recall just compiling packages in the past.

You have 640MB RAM and 256MB swap. That isn't nearly enough to compile big packages nowadays.

You can try to increase your swap partition from 256MB to 3GB. However, hitting the swap during a compile is going to strangle your system. To maximize available RAM, logout of the desktop first, then shutdown the graphical environment entirely:

  /etc/init.d/xdm stop

and then compile.  Start the desktop again after that:

  /etc/init.d/xdm start

Modern versions of GCC and binutils are quite memory hungry, so your only real option is to add more RAM. You should have at least 2GB of it these days for a Gentoo system.

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