On 01/02/2012 11:01 AM, Mark Knecht wrote:

I tell by knowing which files I want in @world. Everything in world
should be a package __I__ specifically want to use. Everything in
world (on my machines anyway) is something:

1)  I'd call from the command line
2) Need to write a little software myself, most specifically a library
3) Aid in displaying things, like font packages
4) Something required by Gentoo that I don't totally understand, like
a virtual package.

I just look through every so often and make sure everything seems to
meet those sorts of requirements. When I find a library or something
else then:

1) I make sure I'm clean with emerge -DuN @world AND emerge -p --depclean
2) I'll delete the questionable item
3) I'll see what happens with the two commands in #1

To me it's pretty straight forward, but I'm also not bothered at all
by the idea that emerge package and emerge -u package do the same
thing. A machine that doesn't have a package, when updated, should
have the package and it should (IMO) be in world, but that's just me.

Fine for your home PC, doesn't cut it on servers. I have the following in one of my world files:


which of those do I want? At least one of them was installed to support a customer's custom PHP application. Maybe all of them were and they all belong in world. No one knows, this server is older than the current --update behavior.

So which ones can I remove?

Solutions involving time travel and/or losing customers will be disqualified.

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