On Thu, 5 Jan 2012 11:01:49 +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:

> You might like it or not but udev is a core system tool, nowadays.

Yes, today. It wasn't yesterday and it may not be tomorrow. I like udev,
but I do not like the direction it is taking. I am not alone in this and
there may be a critical mass needed to create an alternative, whether
that be an evolution of mdev or something completely new.

You cannot assume that you can make whatever changes you want and all
users will follow, that's why there are so many new Xubuntu and Mint

You are clearly happy with udev and already want/need an initramfs. Don't
fall into the same trap as the udev developers and think that what you
want it was everyone else wants.

Neil Bothwick

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.

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