Tanstaafl writes:

> On 2012-01-11 11:51 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> These things sure beat trying to remember a really strong password. My
>> bank and credit card passwords are off the chart.
> Yeah, but what about those moron banks that only allow you to use 
> lowercase letters - and only a max of 6 - for the password? I'm not sure 
> if it as big a problem as it was, but I have changed banks over things 
> like that, and told  them why in the process.

My banking PIN also has only six characters, but I don't worry too much
about this. An attacker only has a few tries before online access is
being disabled. And even if he would succeed, all he gains is to see my
account balance and my past transactions. In order to actually do
something, he would also need the correct TAN. In the past I had a list
of those, but nowadays this is no longer possible, instead I get the TAN
via SMS when I make a transaction.


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