I tell you the right way todo it. Make it easy as possible, not so
difficult like the others in the thread!

Download system rescuecd (which is a nice gentoo system with lots of
beautiful tools running out of the box):


download, burn and boot from the cd. This is a gentoo live cd, with
maintenance tools!

After you started from the cd, create a directotry, let us say: /mnt/gentooX

and mount your partition inside, where the entire tree lives in it.

if /dev/sda5 or whatever has the entire tree:

mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/gentooX

optionally mount the other partitions from your harddisk, if "opt" is in
your harddisk an own partition, otherwise look in your harddisk, in this


which shows you the partition table!

chroot the new environment:

mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc

if you need networking, otherwise leave this step away.
cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf

chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
source /etc/profile

after you did this, your are on your harddisks environment as root, and
you easily can issue this command:

passwd root


Am 10.01.2012 19:46, schrieb Tanstaafl:
> Ok, I did something really dumb...
> I changed the root passwd for a system I manage last week, but neglected
> to write it down, and now what I *thought* I had changed it to isn't
> working... I know, I know, really *really* dumb, but that's where I am...
> I know I can boot into Single User mode, remount the root partition
> read/write, and edit /etc/shadow (removing the encrypted passwd), then
> rest it using passwd, but...
> Some of the accounts in /etc/shadow have a '*' where the encrypted
> passwd would be, and some have a '!'... (ie, one is sshd:!:... and
> another is halt:*:...)
> Does it matter what I change it to? Should I use a *, !, or nothing at
> all (so that there is *nothing* between the two :: that would normally
> contain the encrypted passwd)?
> Thanks...

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