On Tuesday 28 February 2012 11:23:40 Alex Schuster wrote:
> Peter Humphrey writes:
> > Now can anyone tell me why clicking the first link in this e-mail
> > opened it in Konqueror and the second in Firefox?
> Because KDE is so weird all over the place.

Well I just hope the team get it sorted out soon. I can't stand any of the 
Gnomes and the lighter desktops are just too thin on features.

> > I can't see any material difference between the two links.
> Yes, there is none.
> This doesn't happen here, but I'm using the new KMail.

I'm not going to that version until it works. It was only careful backing up 
that avoided losing half my e-mails. As it was, the basic functions of an e-
mail client were almost completely absent.

Peter           Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23

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