Peter Humphrey writes:

> On Tuesday 28 February 2012 11:23:40 Alex Schuster wrote:
> > Peter Humphrey writes:
> > > Now can anyone tell me why clicking the first link in this e-mail
> > > opened it in Konqueror and the second in Firefox?
> > 
> > Because KDE is so weird all over the place.
> Well I just hope the team get it sorted out soon.

I'm waiting since KDE 4.2. And I believe it will never happen. Yes,
things are getting better, and more things get fixed than break by
updates. But still KDE4 has so many bugs and annoyances, nearly every day
some weird things happen.

> I can't stand any of
> the Gnomes and the lighter desktops are just too thin on features.

Me too. I _like_ KDE. If only things were more stable. I do not need any
new features, I'd prefer the existing ones to work as they should.
Look at Dolphin for example, the file manager. I expect such a thing to
just work. But until 4.8 it didn't, it had some bugs that made it nearly
unusable for me. Like the effect that after dragging files to a 2nd
panel, Dolphin acted as if the mouse button was pressed, marking all
files, and scrolling till the end when the mouse leaves the Dolphin
window. Believe me, this is very annoying when copying/moving many files
around. And don't press del to delete the files you copied, you might
put all files in that directory to the trash.
The scrolling behaviour was also annoying, I drag a file to the
destination folder, which is near the top, and just when I release, the
folder started to scroll away and the file is moved into another folder.
Both bugs seem to be fixed in 4.8, and now Dolphin is better than the
Windows XP explorer, finally.
Of course, there was another bug introduced, couldn't reproduce it yet,
and it does not happen often. All stuff scrolls down to the bottom then,
I cannot scroll up, but with wild clicking on all mouse buttons it
finally stops.

Another example of these weird problems, just because it happened today:
I copied 100 MB via FTP using Dolphin. Then I got an error dialog, there
was a problem writing the file. Dolphin did not update the content, so I
could not see how far the upload went. After some F5 pressing, it said
"internal error, please send a detailed bug report".
Seems there was a problem renaming the file after download, I had to
remove the '.part' suffix manually.

No big deal, but such problems happen all over the time when I use KDE
applications. Some errors are reproduceable, and I can avoid them, but
many things just happen once.

If you are an experienced user, you can live with that - as I said, I
still like KDE, and its great features. But for the inexperienced user
like my mom KDE is totally unusable, as very basic features often do not
work. Like, logging out. I put Gnome on her notebook, so I do not have to
help her every day when yet another problem arises.

> > > I can't see any material difference between the two links.
> > 
> > Yes, there is none.
> > 
> > This doesn't happen here, but I'm using the new KMail.
> I'm not going to that version until it works. It was only careful
> backing up that avoided losing half my e-mails. As it was, the basic
> functions of an e- mail client were almost completely absent.

I'm using Claws mainly, and KMail2 for stuff like encryption or local
mail folders that I did not (yet?) spend the time to set up with Claws. I
migrated KDEPIM stuff for three times, and it never worked well, and
always took me hours at least to get a working setup. This is just
unbelieveable. And I can be happy, because I did not lose any mails -
probably because I use IMAP only.

And this is so sad. Generally, I like the idea of Akonadi. And I see
some advantages - for example, Claws does not respond while it is checking
for new mails, and it seems to do this so very often just when I want to
see a new mail. KDE does this in the background. But there are far too
many problems with this. So many people were bitten by this. And email is
such an important issue. BTW, since 4.8, at every login I get messages
that some calendar stuff did not get configured, migrated or whatever.
Good thing I don't use it much, so I just do not care. But would I really
entrust my important personal data to KDEPIM applications? Probably not.


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