On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 06:25:10PM +0200, Assaf Urieli wrote:
> > Apologies if this is completely obvious, but you did say "newbie"... :-)
> >
> > After you "select Gentoo Linux 2.6.12-r6" do you see a lengthy boot
> > process or do you get a command line instantly?
> >
> > It occured to me that you could somehow be getting to the grub command
> > line, which has about a dozen commands... definitely no "emerge",
> > "adduser", etc.
> Please don't apologise and do point out anything you think could be
> useful! I am a complete newbie to the whole Linux world - been trying to
> get this install working afterhours for over a week now.
> To answer your question, there is a lengthy boot process after selecting
> the OS. It seems to be doing what it's supposed to (apart from a couple
> of warnings).
> What's more, other things I emerged while working chrooted from the
> install CD are available & working (e.g. dhcpcd).
> Is there anything (config file, directory listing, ???) I could post
> here to help the troubleshooting?

Post the results of the following 4 from the commandline

  cat /etc/fstab
  fdisk -l /dev/hda
  echo $PATH

"Ford grabbed him by the lapels of his dressing gown and 
spoke to him as slowly and distinctly and patiently as if 
he were somebody from a telephone company accounts 

- Ford trying to rectify that situation. 
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