On 03/18/2012 06:44 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Ok, I have never used genkernel, and have no desire to...
> I have no idea what dracut is or how to use it...

While genkernel also can generate kernel configs for you, both dracut
and genkernel are initramfs creators: they take repeated creation (after
each kernel update) of a potentially complex initramfs off your shoulders.

> I have a remote system that has /usr on a separate partition.
> So...
> How do I find out if I am actually *using* an initramfs right now (I
> know it is built into the kernel)

Afaik the in-kernel one is a dummy, only.  If you don't remember
anything about genkernel or dracut from the past you do not have an
initramfs in your Gentoo installation(s).

>, and
> If I am not, how do I do this without using genkernel? Is dracut the
> *only* other option? Is it easy/trivial to set one up manually?

A manual initramfs is not that easy, no.  And it becomes outdated more
easily than an initramfs-creator-based approach.

> On that note - is it possible, and if so, does anyone have any decent
> detailed How-to's on how I might be able to convert a separate /user to
> one on directly on / on a running system?

>From my current understanding (please double-check, no warrenties):

 0. Make backups

 1. Boot some sort of live/rescue CD
    (so you can fiddle with /usr without shooting your foot)

(2. Enlarge space on partition/device <root> (the one holding /))

(3. Enlarge file system sitting on partition/device <root>)

 4. Make a new folder <root>/usr

 5. Copy content from <usr>/ to <root>/usr/

    - Watch out for use of Xattr (extended file attributes)

    - Watch out for use of POSIX ACLs

    - Use something like --archive with cp/rsync to maintain attributes

 6. Update <root>/etc/fstab

 7. Reboot

 8. Resolve partition <usr>

Good luck.



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