Okay, but this means to me that it makes no real difference if I upload it to 
2 destinations all the time.
I am living in Argentina and my internet connection here is very slow :-(

When we have to write a special file (ebuild) anyway so I would suggest to 
rename the funny name the server is giving us.
We just have to insert a variable which contains the actual version.

Saves me a lot of time.
And I want to concentrate my efforts on making laby better and not other 

There is still a lot to to. And I want to beat the Windows version as soon as 

Am Mittwoch, 24. August 2005 03:58 schrieb Nick Rout:
> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 23:48:45 +0200
> Markus Döbele wrote:
> > Okay, then lets use sourceforge.
> > I will release a new version tonight!  Will be 1.0.2.
> >
> > (Integrated 10 new magical items, The special levels look really nice now
> > and I included a new one: underground forest. The dragon room is new. And
> > we got a room for trainers now :-)  )
> >
> > How do we handle it with sourceforge that we always get the newest
> > version? Do I have to edit the same release all the time. Or is there a
> > mechanism that gets the neweset file automatically?
> The versioning is handled like this:
> each ebuild has a name and version in it. I would call the current laby
> ebuild laby-1.0.1.ebuild and it would include a line like:
> SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/synce/${P}.tar.gz"
> ${P} includes the version number automatically.
> When a new version is released someone needs to write a new ebuild, but
> as all versioning is handled automatically, this is usually just a
> matter of copying the previous one and renaming it to e.g.
> laby-1.0.2.ebuild.
> portage picks up the new version number from the filename and adjusts
> the download URL by virtue of the ${P} variable.
> It does rely on you keeping the filenaming consistent and not suddenly
> changing from laby-1.0.1.tar.gz to lostlabyrinth-1.0.2.tgz.
> For more info see
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/handbook/handbook.xml?part=2&chap=1
> --

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