On Sun, 13 May 2012 14:12:04 -0400
Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Alan McKinnon
> <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > [1] .avi files are notorious for this shit. It's what happens when
> > you are Microsoft and you release any old crappy format without
> > consulting the other experts out there (who will always outnumber
> > you)
> Which better container formats were available at the time AVI was
> released (1992)? The only contemporary container format I'm aware of
> is RIFF, which came out in 1988. MPEG-1 didn't come out until 1993,
> which was the same year the Ogg project started. Real's stuff didn't
> come out until 1995. Matroska was announced a decade later, in 2005.
> Matroska, MP4 and even OGG are nicer container formats, sure, but they
> weren't around yet. And even with any of them, it's perfectly possible
> to accidentally get A/V desync or stuttering if you don't mux your
> streams properly.
> (This post draws heavily on Wikipedia for date information, and dates
> may be considered only as accurate as Wikipedia...)

You missed the essence of my post entirely.

Alan McKinnnon

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