Am Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012, 11:52:48 schrieb Canek Peláez Valdés:
> On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 4:42 AM, Pandu Poluan <> wrote:
> > So, while we're meta-discussing Linus' rant on Gnome3, here's an article
> > from TechRadar exploring the usability of the leading Linux desktop
> > environments.
> > 
> >
> > nux-desktop-environment-1045280
> > 
> > Summary: Try the latest KDE. You might get pleasantly surprised.
> In my humble opinion, you should use whatever you actually like. You
> don't like GNOME? Then don't use it; and if you used it before and
> don't like the new version, either get involver to get it "fixed" (for
> whatever defintion of "fixed" you want), fork it (although maybe you
> should first try Unity, MATE, or Cinnamon before), or go to another
> desktop.
> I like GNOME 3, therefore I use it. I like systemd, therefore I use
> it. I like Emacs, therefore I use it. If someone else wants to use
> KDE, OpenRC, and Vim, it's none of my business. To each his own.

one question - how can you call something that doesn't even let you change the 
fonts call a 'desktop environment'?


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