On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 21:19 -0500, Dale wrote:
> Paul Hartman wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I didn't know you could do low level formats anymore.  Really?  What
> >> package provides that?  Hmmm, I'm thinking about those HOURS spent
> >> formatting a 100Mb drive and then thinking about how long it will take
> >> to do a 3Tb drive.  O_O  I mean really O_O.  LOL
> > hdparm provides it. Do a search for "ATA secure erase" or "enhanced
> > secure erase". It is as close as there is to a low-level format in
> I have seen where people use dd to do this sort of thing to.  I read
> somewhere that if you do a dd and put in all 1's, then all 0's then back
> again that it is very hard to get any data back off the drive.  I think
> if you do it like over a dozen times, it is deemed impossible to get
> anything back.  I think that is the Government standard of it's gone. 
> 4 or 5 hours huh.  I guess drives are a lot faster now.  Back in the
> late 80's or early 90's, it took that long for those whimpy little 100Mb
> drives.  Ooops, my ages is showing again.  lol 
> I got to go read up on hdparm.  I already have it installed here.  I'm
> not planning to use this part but do want to read up on this. 
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Goggle have a well known document
(http://research.google.com/archive/disk_failures.pdf) where they
analysed hard drive failures for a very large number of drives ... the
basic upshot is that a very large portion of failures happen with no
pre-warning, so testing a drive like you are proposing not going to
prove a thing.

They also found that smart (is quite dumb) and its tests were of little

And high temperatures and work loads were also not a reliable guide to
trends in failure rates, both of which which surprised me.

Some of those bathtub curves that I was trained on when setting
maintenance schedules dont hold water here!

This anaysis of the paper looks quite good if you want the lite view:



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