Michael Mol wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com
> <mailto:rdalek1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Michael Mol wrote:
>>     On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 7:13 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:rdalek1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
>>         > The 07/09/12, Dale wrote:
>>         >
>>         >> The thing is tho, whether it is using the memory as cache
>>         or using it
>>         >> as
>>         >> tmpfs, it is the same memory.  There is no difference.
>>          That's the
>>         >> whole
>>         >> point.
>>         > Feel free to take your own assumptions as undeniable truth.
>>         The way the
>>         > kernel work with memory is the key, of course.
>>         >
>>         > Now, as long as you blind yourself with statements like
>>         that, I'm not
>>         > going to respond anymore. I guess you need to make some
>>         basic research.
>>         >
>>         I understand how the kernel uses memory.  That's why it
>>         doesn't matter
>>         if you put portage's work directory on tmpfs or not.  I been
>>         using Linux
>>         for a pretty good long while now.  I have a pretty good
>>         understanding of
>>         it, especially the things that I use.
>>         Respond or not, I know what I tested and what the results
>>         were.  They
>>         were not just my tests and results either.
>>     Nobody is disagreeing with your test results. In fact, they're
>>     not even disagreeing with you that they mean what you think they
>>     mean within the context you're testing. They're disagreeing with
>>     your extrapolation of your results to other contexts. In short,
>>     all other things being equal, your test results work out for
>>     someone in the exact same circumstances as yourself...but there
>>     are a _lot_ of other things that need to be equal!
>>     Filesystem mount options can have an impact. For example, let's
>>     say your filesystem is configured to make writes synchronous, for
>>     general data integrity purposes. That would slow PORTAGE_TMP down
>>     something _fierce_.
>>     Someone might be tweaking any number of the knobs under 'vm' in
>>     /proc. vm.swappiness, vm.dirty_* or vm.min_free_kbytes are ones
>>     that caught my eye, but really most of them in there look relevant.
>>     Or consider that someone else might be running drop_caches, or
>>     even sync() while your code is running. (Heck, if there's a
>>     database, even an sqlite database, on the same filesystem, that's
>>     almost a guarantee.)
>>     These may seem to be obvious, but these are the kinds of things
>>     people were trying to get you to be willing to acknowledge before
>>     you made blanket assertions which covered them.
>>     -- 
>>     :wq
>     Someone could be getting rays from Mars but I am not testing
>     that.  What I tested was this,  Run emerge with portages work
>     directory on disk.  Then run same command with portage's work
>     directory on tmpfs.  Then compare the results.  No other changes
>     except for where portage's work directory is located, hard drive
>     or ram.  This was done on a NORMAL system that most ANY user would
>     be using.  I'm not concerned with some rare or exotic setup, just
>     a normal setup.  If someone is running some exotic setup, then
>     they need to test that to see whether it helps or not because I
>     did not test for that sort of system.  I didn't test for rays from
>     Mars either.  LOL
> Running databases on the same filesystem as PORTAGE_TMP is not a rare
> or exotic setup. Anyone who doesn't use a separate /home or separate
> portage temp is in a circumstance like that.
> -- 
> :wq

Well, I have /home on its own partition, like most likely everyone
does.  At the time, I was not using LVM either.  At the time, I had a
pretty much default install except that the portage tree was on its own
partition since I wanted to keep it from fragmenting all of /usr with
all those constantly changing little files. 

I also use defaults when mounting file systems too.  Nothing exotic or
weird or anything. 

So again, just testing on as normal a system as there could be to get
some real world results.  


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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