On 2012-09-17 10:25 AM, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Tanstaafl<tansta...@libertytrek.org>  wrote:
Never mind, just got a reply from the dev that he had fixed it and the next
update would contain the fix...

I'm still curious if I should not go down that road and use something else
for FTS...

clucene looks like the thing to use right now, unless you want to use
the full Java-based Apache Lucene. I was just looking at it this
morning as a possible basis for a solution to a problem of my own[1],
since strigi uses it.

Thanks Michael...

Just to wrap up this thread, in case anyone is interested, because Timo (dovecot author) had replied in a similar thread on the dc list that he thought there was talk of merging clucene and lucene++, I queried the clucene author after he replied he had fixed this issue, and here is his reply:

"More or less it's true. About a year ago we started to make Lucene++ to the new CLucene version, as Lucene++ (also written in C++) is a port of a newer Apache Lucene version (written in Java) as the one CLucene is a port of. But we did not want to simply merge them, but to adapt Lucene++ to the "design principles" of CLucene. E.g., Lucene++ makes heavy use of shared pointers. And in CLucene we wanted to reduce this usage in favor of performance. But this not finished and I cannot say when it will finished. Nevertheless, the new version of CLucene (if any) will be also C++ and not Java. Best regards, Veit"

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