On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 15:14:11 +0000
Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> > Are there any other cases, apart from emotional attachment based on
> > inertia, where a separate / and /usr are desirable? As I see it,
> > there is only the system, and it is an atomic unit.
> You should really read the thread before posting.

You quoted a hypothical question I posed[1] which follows directly on
from something I described in the previous paragraph. You should really
retain context in what you decide to snip, as you have changed the
entire meaning and intent of what I said and asked.

[1] The question was literally an RFC - a request for people to
comment. I have no strict engineering or configuration need for /
and /usr to be separate; I know of one setup configuration that
requires it, I asked who needs it for different reasons and
why - not as a debate point, but as a learning point.

Does that sufficiently answer the thought that prompted you to reply?

Alan McKinnon

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