On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 01:49:01PM +0800, William Kenworthy wrote

> Do you have the fstab line:
> "none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults  0 0"

  I had an ancient version, which I've been copying to new installs for
years.  It was...
shm /dev/shm tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noexec  0 0

  I changed over to your line, and rebooted, but no difference.  I
finally did things the hard way in fstab...

none   /dev/shm    tmpfs rw,noatime,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0

...and in /etc/local.d/000.start I've added a chmod line...

mount devpts
chmod 1777 /dev/shm

  Note that on my system, "defaults" in fstab allows scripts to execute
on /dev/shm, which is generally frowned on.  "noexec" blocks that,
notwithstanding the chmod 1777.  Out of sheer curiousity, what happens
when you create file /dev/shm/hello with 2 lines...

echo "Hello World"

...and then you

chmod 755 /dev/shm/hello

  Does it execute or come back with permission denied?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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