On 24/01/13 at 12:37pm, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> If you built a package with USE="-foo" and the foo USE flag is later
> removed, -N would rebuild it, --changed-use would not.
> Now think about all those linguas variables that are expanded to USE
> flags. Do you really want to recompile LibreOffice just because a
> linguas_klingon USE flag has been added? One that you wouldn't use anyway
> and so makes no difference to the software you actually have installed.

Ok --changed-use seems awesome, I'm sold. Just one minor clarification. In
the above example, what if linguas_klingon was added and defaults
to being on, would --changed-use rebuild libreoffice? In this case
rebuilding would be the desirable thing to do I presume.


- Yohan Pereira

The difference between a Miracle and a Fact is exactly the difference
between a mermaid and a seal.
                -- Mark Twain

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