On Sat, 2013-04-06 at 19:49 +0200, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> For scrolling one has to move ONE finger on the right edge of the
> pad.
> And it scrolls!
> BUT unfortunately the scrollevents ALWAYS reach the taskbar and I am
> warped through my desktops regardless of the focus a certain windows
> has.
> This even happens, when the cursor and the focus is on the window
> of xev, with which I tried to catch the even.
> How can I "channelize" the events to the focussed window?

This is very unexpected behavior. I'd be very surprised if the hardware
is capable of causing this behavior, unless it is somehow sending a set
of keyboard shortcuts that correspond to switching desktops.

I'd bet that if you are having that problem, a normal mouse's
scrollwheel would cause the exact same problem. Do you have a normal USB
mouse that you can try that with?

If the problem happens with a USB mouse as well, I'd guess that
something is configured strangely in your desktop environment's
settings. If the USB mouse behaves normally, I guess something must be
really weird about that touchpad, but I'm not sure what it would be.


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