在 Tue, 23 Apr 2013 21:01:42 +0800,Florian Philipp <li...@binarywings.net> 写道:

Am 23.04.2013 05:04, schrieb Jackie:
Starting up Gentoo today and found that after I entered my password in
KDM and the screen just stuck there with nothing for a while(maybe more
than 1min) and then splash came up.This never appeared before and I
don't know why.The only thing I did and might have something to do with
it is that I happened to have deleted the /var/tmp/kdecache-username
directory.So,is this reason? And what should I do now? Here is my
~/.xsession-errors file:http://pastebin.com/7N3A9bCc

What happens when you use login on the terminal and then use startx?

Florian Philipp

Your quetion inspired me and I did the follow tests:
1).Login through KDM and then logout and login again,no change,still it takes 1min before splah shows up; 2).Fresh startup and switch to TTY by Ctrl+Alt+F1 when KDM dialog shows up and use startx,glad to see that things goes well and no delay before splash appears.
        3).Move ~/.kde4 to ~/.kde.bak and restart machine,no luck:(
I still don't get a clue what; wrong here and why this all happend. Hope the information above will be helpful.

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