Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> Steven J. Long wrote:
> > > Again, I proposed myself to the dev list two times in the past. Nobody
> > > cared and I had no answers.
> > 
> > Because that has never been the process: anyone can post to the 
> > mailing-list, it
> > doesn't mean anything. While I agree it would have been good if recruiters 
> > had
> > followed it up with you..
> > Neither of those change the fact that you don't join a team just by sending 
> > them
> > an email. Like it or not, there are social factors involved, or it wouldn't 
> > be
> > a team of people, however loosely associated.
> If social factours is important, it is not just that FMPOV.

I never said it was though, did I? However you cannot just ignore those social 
however much you might prefer to. You must know that from work, so why is this 
so hard to

> Anyway, you
> seems to think the way Gentoo shares code and knowledge is good enough
> as-is to have contributors and new developers.

Another strawman, after I've just stated:

"Please don't get me wrong: I think the recruitment process could be improved.. 
that does
take a cultural shift."

Again you appear to be reacting emotionally. Feel free to have a hissy-fit: 
that's the kind
of thing that turns people off you.

Not sure what you mean about "sharing code": it's all mirrored across the world 
times so I don't really recognise your point about a deficit of sharing.

> Fine. I don't think so and the other contributions to this thread confort me 
> in my opinion.

Yes well, somehow I think you're more interested in comfort for your opinions, 
most especially
of yourself, than actually moving anything forward for everyone.

> Please, take the critism the constructive way. The topic is not about me.

The same goes for you: and it was about you, since all you wanted to discuss 
were how your
two emails (the effort!) were ignored, and then draw wide-ranging conclusions 
that were

I did try to discuss what actually happens, and where you went wrong. You 
haven't considered
what I've said, only used it as reason for spurious argument.

> Pointing out my "hand-holding", "ego-stroking" or whatever looks
> pointless.

I wasn't: I was pointing out your apparent need for those, which seems to have 
into this email.

You've turned it into about what a great "developer" you are, and how much 
we're missing
by not having your "contribution". Even though I specifically stated:

"Please note I'm not discussing any technical ability you may or may not have."

> I know the basics. 

Again you're wilfully misinterpreting what I've said, and answering a 
completely different
point. You didn't know the basics of how to go about approaching Gentoo. Stuff 
practically every user knows, or can find out *very* easily: much more easily 
than the
documentation they end up searching to do an install and maintain their 
machine/s. Again,
if you cba to do that basic groundwork, wtf do you expect?

Oh yes, us all to fall over ourselves and fete you with discussion about how 
wonderful you
are, and how lucky we'd be if you only deigned to contribute some of your 
wisdom to us mere
mortals. So much so that we ignore all the usual metrics, and take your email 
as gospel
truth, that overrides whether you are actually a good fit for Gentoo, or even 
whether you
can lookup docs on a website, let alone have actually contributed as part of 
the community.

Good luck with that approach, and your current projects.

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