On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 08:34:11PM +0100, Steven J. Long wrote:

> Again you're wilfully misinterpreting what I've said, and answering a 
> completely different
> point. You didn't know the basics of how to go about approaching Gentoo. 
> Stuff that
> practically every user knows, or can find out *very* easily: much more easily 
> than the
> documentation they end up searching to do an install and maintain their 
> machine/s. Again,
> if you cba to do that basic groundwork, wtf do you expect?
> Oh yes, us all to fall over ourselves and fete you with discussion about how 
> wonderful you
> are, and how lucky we'd be if you only deigned to contribute some of your 
> wisdom to us mere
> mortals. So much so that we ignore all the usual metrics, and take your email 
> as gospel
> truth, that overrides whether you are actually a good fit for Gentoo, or even 
> whether you
> can lookup docs on a website, let alone have actually contributed as part of 
> the community.
> Good luck with that approach, and your current projects.

While I (and others BTW) was trying to provide an external POV with
points to make outside contributions and rectruitement more efficient,
you guys @gentoo.org turned this thread into plain bullshits.

Starting with a statement like "Please note I'm not discussing any
technical ability you may or may not have." does not allow you to make
the exact opposite and being insulting or border-line in the rest of
your mails. I don't remember I ever faced to such direct and personal
judgments in the open source world. Oh, I know you pretend it's not.

So, I'm on my way, dear, in order to:
- learn how to approach a community (stuff that practically every user
- learn where to find the doc and read it;
- learn all the basics;
- not magnify myself.

Thank you for all the smart feedbacks. Obvisously, it was all about me.

I want to believe you don't embody the dominant POV of the Gentoo
maintainers about the original topic.

I'm going serioulsy tired of this thread.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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