On 12/08/13 15:19, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

On 2013-08-12 8:06 AM, Samuli Suominen <ssuomi...@gentoo.org> wrote:

True, it won't be dropped for long as people are maintaining it. That's
how maintainership works.
But trying to lie to people it's somehow solving something currently is
annoying as 'ell and should be corrected where seen.

It is solving the problem of *when* (not if - if the words I have read from the 
systemd maintainers can be taken at face value) the systemd maintainers decide 
to pull the plug on the ability to have a systemd-less udev...

Correct. And because that we endorse it.
Look what happened with the logind.

They made it clear from the start that logind is not going to work for non-systemd and that Ubuntu is doing something utter crazy. We were going to ride with that horse at the expense of Ubuntu folks for a while, but dropped the effort as futile. Now Ubuntu is stuck at logind-204 and it's unclear what will they do next.
Don't try to twist it into anything it's not, it's not comparable w/ udev.

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