On Mon, 26 Aug 2013 19:30:05 +0200, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> > The licensing conflict means that would not be possible. You have the
> > install the kernel source and then merge in the ZFS source yourself,
> > it can't be done for you and distributed.  
> Why do you believe this?
> ZFS id doubtlessly an own "work" independent from the rest of the Linux
> kernel and for this reason, adding ZFS just creates a collective work
> that is not affected by the GPL.

But the CCDL licence of ZFS precludes its being distributed with the
kernel. At least, that's how I understand it and the fact that no distro
distributes a ZFS-enabled kernel makes me believe it is true.

Neil Bothwick

Friends come and friends go, but enemies accumulate.

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