John Dangler wrote:

After going back through the entire thread dealing with the vhosts problem that was running here recently, I tried to setup my local fileserver with the ‘default’ apache server, and adding 1 virtual host.

my apache2.conf file is basically a default (out of the box) setup, with the line

Include conf/vhosts/vhsots.conf uncommented so that it is included.

my vhosts.conf file has



ServerName Mambo

DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs>



ServerName GenoFit

DocumentRoot /usr2/genofit/public

<Driectory /usr2/genofit/public>

order deny,allow

Allow from all

AllowOverride All

Options FollowSymLinks



from the local machine, both hosts are accessible.

from another machine on the same router (

browsing to gives me the Apache default page.

browsing to gives me “Not Found” The requested URL /GenoFit was not found on the server

browsing to gives me “Not Found” The requested URL /Mambo was not found on the server

ping works in both directions, so I’m sure that it’s something I did/didn’t do correctly in the config files.

After reading through the wiki docs on virtual hosts, and the docs on the apache site (which are a little harder to digest), I think that the vhosts file is ok, but I’m not sure about the apache2.conf file…

Any input is appreciated.

John D

I don't see much into this, but will it not be in confict if you use the same IP and port for 2 ServerNames? I would use different ports for these two webs instead.
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