William Hubbs <williamh <at> gentoo.org> writes:

> On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 12:04:24AM -0500, Bruce Hill wrote:
> > Just stumbled across some very interesting software/ideas:
> > 
> > http://skarnet.org/poweredby.html

> Yes, I have been looking at this for a few days, and some of the other
> members of the OpenRC team are interested in it as well.

I'm not too sure about the kernel sources:
"is provided by Gandi and cannot be modified"

My experiences with embedded *nix is that the kernel sources
are tinkered with, almost constantly to infinity......

You'd be wise to post to the gentoo-embedded group, where
those learking in the shadows (memory crevaces) have
lots of experiences with a multitude of embedded ventures.

Most embedded ventures end up on the waste heap; they made
critical decision that leave the effort..........borked.
I'd research into the coding+user community, as being 
naked and alone on an embedded vetnure, does give rise to

Another consideration is the processor architecture(s) that 
the codebase runs on. Most embedded and high end processor
efforts are looking at LOW POWER architectures, as the thrust
of all future efforts. This means on ARM or ARM+x86 or such.

That said, the project does look attractive.

caveat emptor.

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