On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 18:11:57 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:

> I went from duo core AMD systems to FX-8350 with 32 gigs of ram.
> My bigest adversion/experience with KDE is this. The "genius" that
> runs that project, could have developed all of those wonderful ideas,
> but left them "turned off by default".

That sounds nice but is a Bad Idea in the real world where most people
judge things by the default setup. Turns off the nice features and 90+%
of people trying the software don't see them.

It seems to me you dumped KDE because it had too many features and now are
complaining that LXDE's terminal is short on features. Either run Konsole
on LXDE or do wht you suggested the KDE devs do and run KDE with the eye
candy turned off. The former is probably more sensible.

Every now and then, I try a lighter desktop and always find myself
missing some feature of KDE and has me running back to it. Yes, the
default configuration is a bit cack, but once set up the way yu want, it
stays that way.

You could take a look at ROSA or Mageia, both of those distros have
implemented KDE in a much nicer way, and you can always nick their
themes and configs.

Neil Bothwick

Being defeated is a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it

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