On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:03:30 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:

> > That sounds nice but is a Bad Idea in the real world where most people
> > judge things by the default setup. Turns off the nice features and
> > 90+% of people trying the software don't see them.  
> Really?, Try that approach at a carrier network support center, where
> new stuff is rolled out to cutomers without first explaing, warning
> and offering up options.....   It's shows a blatant disrespect for
> the existing customer base.  Nobody in business, treats existing
> customers that way, imho.  In industry, punks with that mentality get
> *FIRED*....

Yes, really. People boot a distro's live CD, maybe install it, and make
quick decisions about whether they like it or not.

> > It seems to me you dumped KDE because it had too many features and
> > now are complaining that LXDE's terminal is short on features.   
> I dumped KDE, like many others, because I got tire of wasting time
> trying to figure how what the hell happen each time a ran an upgrade,

I honestly don't have that problem. Possibly because I have configured so
much of it that the system defaults never get a look in, changed or not.

> Note, I've use a myriad of qt
> based open source and commercial products on embedded systems.
> Those efforts do not mirror the "attide" of the KDE camp, you
> espouse so well.

I've no idea what you are trying to say here.

> > Either run Konsole on LXDE or do wht you suggested the KDE devs do
> > and run KDE with the eye > candy turned off. The former is probably
> > more sensible.  
> no thanks. Raw X is just fine for my needs, wants and desires.

Like I said, but you seemed to ignore, run Konsole on LXDE to get all you
need. I've found Konsole to be one of the best terminals out there,
irrespective of whether you use KDE or not, although Terminology does
look interesting.

Neil Bothwick

Scientists decode the first confirmed alien transmission from outer space
"This really works! Just send 5*10^50 H atoms to each of the five star
systems listed below. Then, add your own system to the top of the list,
delete the system at the bottom, and send out copies of this message to
100 other solar systems. If you follow these instructions, within 0.25 of
a galactic rotation you are guaranteed to receive enough hydrogen in
return to power your civilization until entropy reaches its maximum!"

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