> Debian, and Ubuntu are desktop platforms. Yes they are widely used in
> production server environments (the slow
> ones that is) however, our last experience with Debian squeeze as a whole
> (ie, source tree, reliability, performance),
> was inhospitable. Dare I say, it was making as nauseated as we would be
> behind a Windows machine...

Really? Debian is a desktop distro? Gentoo it is also, as ALMOST every
distro...  Debian uses old software, because all packages are very tested,
and have bug fixes, before launch as stable... Debian is a REALLY stable
distro, is for that why is very used as server. And ubuntu? Yes, it is shit
[?] I think ubuntu is used as server, just because "is easy" [?]

Any way... I think every stable distro, could be used as server. Who is
better? Well, this depends on every one. Try to pick the best music group
and you will have a same large discusion.

Sorry if my english is not perfect.

Bye! ;)



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