Hi Gentoo-users,

today after emerging python-exec (from 2.0.1 to 2.0.1-r1)
I tried python-upadter and found out it wants to update
cracklib. OK, I did, and then tested python-updater again.
An it updated cracklib again! I tried it again, again,
again, still the same: python-updater keeps re-emerging

Is this normal? man-page says "python-updater -- Find &
rebuild  packages broken due to a Python upgrade"; so
I do not think it should run forever...


# eselect python list
Available Python interpreters:
  [1]   python2.7
  [2]   python3.3 *

# python-updater -v -p
 * Starting Python Updater...
 * Main active version of Python:    3.3
 * Active version of Python 2:       2.7
 * Active version of Python 3:       3.3
 * Globally supported Python ABIs in installed repositories:
* gentoo: 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.3 2.5-jython 2.7-jython 2.7-pypy-1.7 2.7-pypy-1.8 2.7-pypy-1.9 2.7-pypy-2.0
 * Check "manual" enabled.
 * Check "need_rebuild" enabled.
 * Check "pylibdir" enabled.
 * Check "PYTHON_ABIS" enabled.
 * Check "shared_linking" enabled.
 * Check "static_linking" enabled.
 *   Adding to list: sys-libs/cracklib:0
 *     check: PYTHON_ABIS [ Previous Python ABIs: , new Python ABIs: 2.7 ]
 * emerge -Dv1 --keep-going -p sys-libs/cracklib:0

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild R ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.8.19 USE="nls zlib -build -python -static-libs" 0 kB

Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 kB

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