On 06/11/2014 11:14 AM, thegeezer wrote:
> just some extra thoughts 
*cough* yeah i meant to keep typing!

the extra thoughts are that the better way of doing this would be to
create up
RAID1 physicaldisks1+2
RAID6 physicaldisks3,4,5,6

then put lvm on there as vg01 with two PVs, one on the raid1 virtualdisk
and one on the raid6 virtualdisk
you can then create new LVs and choose to put them on fast or slow
(raid1 or raid6)
you can then have system and archive data on raid6 and VM's on fast.
of course you could always have all 6 disks setup for raid0+1 and then
it woudl all be very fast

the general gist of what i'm trying to say is have the hardware raid
card do the hardware raid across the disks as required, then have LVM do
the partitioning of the storage.   at the moment you have the hardware
raid doing the partitioning.

also i'd always recommend you have _inside the case_ a hotspare
configured to be global spare

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