behrouz khosravi <bz.khosravi <at>> writes:

> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 6:37 PM, James <wireless <at>> wrote:

> Thanks for your advice. They were surely helpful.

My pleasure.....

> This 'de-bloat' crap - who came up with that? People who use it all the
> times seldomly realize that the 'small and unbloated' software they use
> is in a lot of cases neither small, nor not bloated.

I wish I could take credit for it; it is a very, very popular concept,
characterize our newest noob, as you like....

Lots of folks have lots of reasons to reduce the space/ram/cup resource
consumption, particularly for things  they do not want and quite often
due to constraints on resources....(ymmv).

> Usually it comes from the same headspace that ricing comes from.

Wow, dude! a serious compliment from one of my many heros!

Do remember that my knowledge of "ricing" comes from the very coolest
and early vintige motorcycles:
rice-rockets motorcycle

Bloat (
Full Definition of BLOATED
1 :  obnoxiously vain <a bloated ego>
2 a :  being much larger than what is warranted <a bloated estimate> 

now now boys, try not be so full of angst with your choices. Gentoo
is about choices; and bloat by it's very nature, is in the eyes of the
beholder.....  Some guys like a 'big boodie, some guys like it skinny!

>From a technical perspective, just look at the amazing world of embedded
systems......   bloat will get you fired cause your embedded system
will run slower than your competitors on similar hardware.


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