Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:54:07 -0500, Dale wrote:
>> The biggest thing for me, is just stuff I don't use or ever see me
>> needing.  At one point, can't recall version, KDE4 was a bit of a memory
>> hog.  It seems they have cleaned that up a lot since tho.  Even on my
>> old rig which had 3GBs of ram and KDE3, it wasn't to bad on memory.  CPU
>> wise tho, I'd hate to run KDE4 on my old rig.  It is just to slow for
>> KDE4. 
> I used to run KDE on a netbook with 2GB and it ran very well. True, LXDE
> was faster, but it did less. Not doing stuff faster isn't a benefit in my
> book.

That's why I use KDE still.  There are things it does that I like plus
my new rig is fast enough and has plenty of ram.  My old rig tho, not
KDE4.  I don't think I would even try it.  KDE4 is the reason I built
this new rig.

I do have Fluxbox installed tho.  I have been known to use it a few
times too.  It is so fast it is unreal.


:-)  :-)

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