Am 31.07.2014 05:50, schrieb Alec Ten Harmsel:
>> okular is not a 'stinking pdf reader'. Nice try. But just like konqueror
>> it is just a wrapper around kparts and is able to deal with a lot more
>> files than just pdf and postscript.
>> That is what 'modular' and 'code reuse' really means.
>> And the opposite to what gnome does. 'oh, there is an app. Hijack it and
>> gnomify it and make it dependent on 2 douzend gnome libs that all do the
>> same but nobody ever cleaned up'.
> You're right about the code reuse if you're running KDE, but I'd rather
> not install *all* of Qt and a bunch of other crap just to view PDFs and
> such. I think that's all he's arguing.

well, do you complain if you have to install *all* of gtk + gnome
> I love having KDE on my desktop (and okular is really nice), but on my
> laptop (i3wm) I spend the vast majority of my time in vim and on the
> terminal and shouldn't have to essentially install KDE to view a PDF
> when I need to check some LaTeX formatting. Just contrast with evince; I
> disabled nautilus integration, and my machine only has 5 gnome packages,
> 2 of which are icon sets.
> Alec
> .

how much do you have to install if you deactivate all use flags for
okular? well, you still have all of qt...  and kdelibs and phonon... but
you would loose a lot of the other stuff. vlc support in phonon is as
optional as tiff or chm in okular.

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