J. Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:
> What are the features it currently has already

This is hard to answer, since at a first glance the whole thing
does not even look like a scheduler: It looks more like a means to
communicate with some server, but after the discussions in the
gentoo forums, it became clear to my surprise that this is all
what is needed for the use cases I had in mind:
The "real" scheduler driving the whole thing can be a tiny script
(in shell or any other language) which just communicates with
that server.

To understand whether this can solve your problems, it is
probably best if you look at the examples in the README
(and/or the mentioned discussion in the gentoo forum).

> and what are you planning on adding?

Since it is sufficient for my purposes, I am currently not
planning to add anything (except possibly bug fixes or if I run
into a problem which I cannot solve with it).
Patches for extensions are welcome, of course.
(Also suggestions without patches are welcome, but my time is
currently very limited, and I do not make any promises.)

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