On 09/17/2014 10:40 PM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:

> Fact is if it's _you_ that seems to give a tweet about systemd speed,
> so it's on _you_ to measure it, I don't really care what you think. The
> fact that you think pid1's speed or resource usage might be a big deal
> is very indicative on how badly informed you are in the first place.

I don't care about systemd speed. I really am completely ambivalent
about PID1; I've run Upstart, I've run systemd, I've run OpenRC, and
they all work fine. All I'm saying is that a common point in the systemd
community seems to be its awesome performance (unless I'm reading the
wrong documentation and conversations), and burden of proof is on the
party making the claim.

But also, caring about speed and resource usage are important. If one of
the three PID1s I've mentioned took 30 seconds to boot my system, I
would not use it. If it took 10% of my RAM, I would not use it. Lucky
for us, all three are fast enough and have a small enough footprint that
it doesn't matter which is used.


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