On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Tom H <tomh0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is "After" really necessary as an option? I've never come across a
> service that uses "After" without a "Requires" or a Wants" but I've
> never taken the time to look.

Hmm, I found After more common that Wants, but maybe I only look at
units that have problems.  :)

I think the intent is to handle optional dependencies, but in practice
I don't know that it works well.  It would almost be better to have
some kind of cluster config file that specifies all the actual
dependencies (possibly including cross-host) and have it spit out all
the unit dependencies automatically.  That is a bit much to ask for
now, and probably a bit much for somebody who just wants their laptop
to launch kde after all their mounts are ready.

Specifying After vs Wants separately does make sense.  Dependency
doesn't have to imply sequential.


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