On 11/05/2014 11:42 AM, James wrote:
> Um, I'm not up on the results of the Nagios user revolt (fork) from
> a few years ago. Maybe if you clarify that recent history more folks
> would be interested in Nagios?

If no one is interested, that's great -- I can push my changes with
reckless abandon =)

I'm not up-to-date either, but Nagios is still in the tree, and we still
use it, so I'd like to clean up a bit.

> Let's make a deal. Lots of folks are trying to get Nagios running
> on Mesos/spark as a cluster based tool. Have your (hacks) efforts
> focoused on runnning Nagios on a mesos/spark cluster?

At the moment I'm just trying to clean up the existing ebuilds so that
we can jump to the newest major version. There are a ton of other things
that need to be fixed, but I'm not going to work on them without a nice
clean starting point.

If the 4.x bump doesn't break existing, working, setups, then hopefully
I can just commit it and start on this list:


Porting it to a cluster (whatever that involves) would come after the
version bump.

> I think the Nagios user community is now splintered (it's been
> a while since I looked at Nagios seriously) cause the "main dude"
> became such a *F!zt* so that most users left his fiefdom. Has that
> changed? Do illuminate the recent history of Nagios, please?

You give me too much credit. I know that it forked into Icinga, but
Nagios is still being developed upstream. We use it as a glorified
`ping` that likes to wake me up at 4am, and it still works just fine for
that, so I haven't worried too much about the politics.

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