On 12/04/2014 02:02 PM, Alex Brandt wrote:
> Hey James,
> I've removed the original content for length but I love the 
> ideas you've put together for an overarching testing strategy.
> I've begun work on a small ebuild testing framework, etest [1], 
> that I believe fits into your model quite well.  It uses docker 
> images for isolation and repeatability.  It allows developers to 
> verify the install time and some run time behavior of ebuilds in 
> an automated fashion.  It's also extremely alpha and I find new 
> issues every time I use it.
> That all being said I would love feedback and if anyone is brave 
> enough to use it I would love to start cataloging issues that 
> people find in github.

This looks awesome. I don't want to commit too early, but after this
semester is over I think I can run it on a few ebuilds (inside Jenkins)
and help fix issues.

> James, if this doesn't fit your vision then I apologize for the 
> tangential reply to your thread.
> [1] https://github.com/alunduil/etest
> Thanks,

It'd be cool if Gentoo had some sort of automated workflow (with
Jenkins, buildbot, whatever) like this:

1. Receive pull request
2. Detect changed ebuild
3. test ebuild with etest

This will take a lot of work to set up, and depending on how my workload
is next semester, I would love to help out as much as possible.


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