On 12/04/2014 04:08 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Alec Ten Harmsel
> <a...@alectenharmsel.com> wrote:
>> It'd be cool if Gentoo had some sort of automated workflow (with
>> Jenkins, buildbot, whatever) like this:
>> 1. Receive pull request
>> 2. Detect changed ebuild
>> 3. test ebuild with etest
>> This will take a lot of work to set up, and depending on how my workload
>> is next semester, I would love to help out as much as possible.
> I've wondered the same thing, and maybe after sufficient bikeshedding
> something like this would be a good GSoC project as well.  Running
> repoman is another possibility.

Assuming I have time next semester, I'll look into it (and if I haven't
mentioned anything by mid January, someone should bug me). I have
limited hardware - a single 6-core/32GB box to do testing - but I should
be able to do a lot of testing on small packages.

> One trick is that a pull request could impact multiple packages
> (eclass changes, dependency updates, etc).

This would not be terribly difficult to detect, but insanely expensive
resource-wise. The only thing that comes to mind immediately is ensuring
that the software that detects changes associates a set of packages with
an eclass in some config file, and triggers rebuilds for those packages.

> In these cases running
> repoman probably adds more value than full tests.  Either way there
> will potentially be a high cost to do the testing, which could create
> a backlog if we queue things up (not queuing things creates other
> problems).

I sync weekly, and yeah, there'll need to be some reasonably serious
hardware to do this. Jenkins looks like it supports adding workers that
are firewalled by having the workers initiate connections; if this is
the case (or if whatever we end up supports this), I'll gladly offer up
my workstation to do this.

> Repoman false-alarms is another potential issue with this.

Repoman can be improved ;) Repoman is already run nightly, I just don't
think Gentoo has the manpower to deal with that stuff.


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