On 17/12/2014 09:45, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
> On 12/17/2014 06:48:55 AM, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> ....
>> Is it possible, to do ONE call to emerge, which asks (according
>> to option -a, if set ) and given a yes first fetches ALL necessary
>> files and data and compiles then everything?
> With some manual operations:
> Capture the output of emerge -vp ....
> Edit it to call
> ebuild <full patch to <package>.ebuild> fetch
> for each package.
> Then issue emerge without -p

Way too complicated.

emerge -pvuND world

check list, ensure everything is OK, etc etc. Then

emerge -vunDf world
emerge -vuND world

-f only fetches, it does not compile. When it completes, switch the pc
off. The last emerge compiles and everything has been fetched (well
usually is has been fetched).

What the OP is trying to do is not really possible. Portage is designed
with an assumption in mind: the host is always connected to the internet
and can fetch whatever it needs to fetch whenever it needs to fetch it
based on what is in the ebuilds. 100% off-line operation is not part of
the spec, so the OP is always going to have to deal with occasional
emerge failures due to the host being offline

Alan McKinnon

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