On Tuesday 30 Dec 2014 03:27:34 Zesen Qian wrote:
> Hello list,
> Sorry for hijacking Rich's thread, resend here.
> I want to disable IPv6 on an certain interface, a simple google
> tell me to add one line to /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf
> net.ipv6.conf.enp4s0.disable_ipv6=1
> Simple enough, but the problem I have is that both ipv6 and the
> dirver of the network card(tg3) is loaded by modules. They 're not
> loaded when the service sysctl is started, so there's no entry
> named "net.ipv6.conf.enp4s0", which make sysctl not working.
> So my question is that, is there any way to disable IPv6 on
> specific interface, as early as I can? I want to make it early
> because I don't want to receive any RA to mess up my route table.
> I guess just adding sysctl to preup() in /etc/conf.d/net should do
> the trick, but may I make it earlier?
> Any comment is appreciated.

Unless the kernel knows of the enp4s0 interface and therefore lists it under 
sysctl, I can't see how it can be disabled.  You could try disabling IPv6 
altogether in the kernel, but this may not be what you want to achieve.

Alternatively, have a look with modinfo in the module options in the unlikely 
chance that the module has some option which disables IPv6 functionality.


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