On Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:40:57 -0500, Rich Freeman wrote:

> He isn't the first to make that observation.  Many have pointed out
> that the testing branch today seems a lot like stable Gentoo used to
> be, and that we err too much on the side of not making big changes.
> However, I'm not sure that we really are afraid of breaking things so
> much that many of us have just grown comfortable with the way things
> have been done.

Also, in openrc Gentoo has an init system that is superior to those used
by other distros pre-systemd. Openrc has some of the benefits that
systemd offers other distros, like dependencies, so there is somewhat
less incentive to change.

Having said that, Gentoo does have systemd, it's just not switched on in
the "default" profiles. I think your point, which you have made before,
about init eventually being treated like the kernel, cron or system
logger, is a good one and could be said to represent the "True Gentoo

Neil Bothwick

Hospitality:  making your guests feel like they're at home, even if you
wish they were.

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