Am 19.01.2015 um 09:32 schrieb Bill Kenworthy:

Can someone suggest what is causing a balance on this raid 1, 3 disk
volume to successfully complete but leave the data unevenly distributed?
  Content is mostly VM images.

sdc and sdd are 2TB WD greens, and sda is a 2TB WD red.

Question: was /dev/sda a smaller HDD before the 2 TB WD red?

If your sda was around 250 GB before you changed it with 2 TB, did you just issue a "btrfs balance" after that? If so, Btrfs just configured itself for 2*2 TB + 1*250 GB, that's why.

The proper Btrfs way if replacing a smaller hdd for a bigger one in Raid 1 is to issue "btrfs filesystem resize" to make it use all of the available space.

This would be one possible explanation for the behaviour of your array.

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