On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Tom H <tomh0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Samsung's starting to release Tizen-driven phones, TVs, white goods,
> etc. Tizen uses systemd and, given the size of Samsung, the number of
> systemd embedded devices is going to skyrocket in the next few years.
> Samsung wouldn't have chosen systemd for Tizen if it were too resource
> hungry for its use case.

Embedded is a pretty broad term, and it impacts all aspects of a
device's design.  You can't really put a smartphone and a microwave in
the same category.

Phones actually have plenty of storage, RAM, and CPU by most embedded
standards.  The main issue is battery use, which is mostly about
ensuring that your software isn't constantly waking up the CPU.  If
systemd is well-behaved in this regard I'd expect it to work on a
phone just fine.

The thing is that most devices that couldn't run systemd would
probably be hard-pressed to run any kind of generic linux distro in
any case.  They might not even run linux, or if they did it might be a
super-stripped-down build with an embedded initramfs containing
nothing but a single executable built in C which runs as PID 1 (no
need for even filesystem support, let alone stuff like /proc and so

I'm genuinely curious as to how systemd and competing solutions are
adopted in the embedded world, including phones but especially getting
beyond this (huge) niche.

I'm also curious as to where ChromeOS ends up going.  It is based on
Gentoo, but runs Upstart (which isn't used by just about anybody else
now, and which isn't even in Gentoo's portage).


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