On 9/19/05, Nagatoro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Don't remember the bug number but the solution is in bugzilla (search
for gnome 2.12 applet). If I recall correctly you need to reemerge a
certain package. (btw Gnome 2.12 looks good! :) )

I did file a bug, and was marked as a duplicate of this one:


Quoting the bug:
> ------- Additional Comment #3 From Simon Stelling 2005-09-05 09:47 PDT [reply] -------
> looks like upgrading gtk+ to 2.8.3-r1 solved this issue too...

I'll upgrade gtk+ when I am at home, and will return in case it still doesn't work.
I don't know why, but I never make to find a bug on bugzilla based on some keywords. For example, if I search now for 'gnome applet', this bug doesn't appear in search results. However, numerous unrelated bugs happen to be in the results. Very strange.
And yes, gnome-2.12 does look good!

Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora          | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil              |

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