On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann
<volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:

>> and dump people keep talking nonsencely that sysvinit is enough while it
>> cannot even handle reboot for normal user. sad.
> it can. Did for decaded.
> Dumb systemd fanbois spouting their lies everywhere. Sad.

"Sad" doesn't even begin to describe the behaviour of Mr. "can learn
anything I want very very fast", the famous "expert of all kinds".
What beats me is the apparent tolerance of this list towards this kind
of attitude. In case someone forgot, this microcai critter is the same
self-styled genious who made his Grand Entrance to this list on
11/11/12 saying "byebye  haters .  Comunitiy doesn't need people like


Jorge Almeida

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