Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > > This is also why I put a lot of time and energy into research
> > > before I purchase something pricey. For instance, I read in
> > > hardware forums and through reviews for many weeks before I
> > > finally decided on all components of my PC that I assembled last
> > > year. I didn’t want to get into a situation that would force me
> > > to return something, b/c there is also risk involved - the extra
> > > expense, parts break during shipping, or problems with the
> > > retailer. I can’t be bothered with the hassle.
> > 
> > I also do much research before I buy something. My wife often calls
> > me crazy because I sometimes need weeks before I make a decision,
> > even when I just wanna buy some LED bulbs for our kitchen. :-)
> Since this is off topic anyway, what did you conclude with your
> research on LED lighting?  Is it really worth the cost, or are we
> talking of yet one more marketing lifecycle?

Please have in mind that I'm not a native speaker. Therefore I probably
sometimes use terms that are not correct in a given context. I say this
because I'm not sure whether "research" is the right word for what I'm 
doing when I try to get informations about specific products. Maybe the 
word "investigations" is better. :-)

But to answer your question. I think that LED lighting will be the main 
"Light technology" for the next years or even decade(s). But there are
maybe good chances that the classical semiconductor based LEDs will be 
replaced or at least supplemented by OLEDs or a similar technology.

In the last months I replaced nearly all conventional and "energy saving"
light bulbs in our house. I use LEDs with 4500K in the baths, floors and 
in the kitchen, 6500K LEDs in my office, 3200K LEDs in the bedrooms and
4500K as well as 3200K LEDs in the livingroom.

I really prefer LEDs over conventional energy saving lamps, because they
have a much higher lifetime and IMHO also a better light spectrum. 
Of course there are high quality full-spectrum energy saving lamps and
I used these before in my office but they are expensive and they have a
much shorter lifetime then LEDs. 


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