On Sunday 21 Jun 2015 22:02:02 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> portage for a long long time went in /usr/portage because that's where
> FreeBSD put it, and drobbins was mightily enthralled by FreeBSD.
> But it's a stupid place for it to go on Linux and most of the sane
> technical Gentoo world agrees it really is a better fit in /var/portage.
> However, due to a highly unlikely confluence of the phases of the moon
> and an oddly-painted bikeshed (aquamarine with ochre polka dots), no-one
> seems to have ever gotten around to actually fixing it once and for all
> everywhere.
> Bottom line: folks will see both in real life.
> Procedure: If you have the one, and see the other, then just change the
> top-level dir in what you see.

Or, as I do, put it in its own partition and you can mount it wherever you 
like. Just point make.conf and repos.conf/gentoo.conf at it.

Actually, using LVM on RAID-1 I have portage, packages and distfiles all in 
their own partitions; just three of 15 under /dev/vg7.


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