On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 12:37:14 -0400, Rich Freeman wrote:

> The easiest way to stick with a branch is probably to just mask
> anything newer.  Then you should get all new releases of that branch
> until it is dropped.  However, I'm not sure how noisy portage will be
> if your branch is discontinued.

It just tries to install the highest version that matches your masks,
which will be lower than the one that was discontinued. Of course, as
this is the kernel sources, it doesn't matter which other versions
portage chooses to install, you can still use the old one.

You will get warnings that you have an installed package that is no
longer in the tree, but you could always copy the ebuild to a local
overlay to avoid both of these issues.

Neil Bothwick

The word 'Windows' is a word out of an old dialect of the Apaches.
It means: 'White man staring through glass-screen onto an hourglass...')

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